Imagine YOUR life Completely FREE of  Fear!

The "Fear of Punishment" Implant is Stifling your abundance!

GET RID of This CRUEL, Numbing, Implant & WATCH Massive Blessings cascade all over yOU !!!

The Divine has put this on my heart as something that MUST be done!
 FREE Lightworkers from the "Fear Of Punishment" Implant imposed upon our ancestors by the Annunaki! 

When you are CONTROLLED by will NOT be able to accomplish your SOUL  purpose in the way that makes your heart happiest!

An Amazing Video Course that you can use right now to set yourself free!

It was a Sunday I was writing this and normally I would be resting and recharging.

However, the Divine is insistent that you need this, urgently!

Here is the information I received in an instantaneous download.

Eons ago, the Anunnaki, conspired to make humans a slave race.

Their scientists HAD the technology and devised an implant energy form that was placed in the Amygdala of humans.

This implant  was programmed to genetically be passed from generation to generation.

It is called the FEAR OF PUNISHMENT implant.

At the time, it was activated to make humans do their bidding... and it is STILL WORKING TODAY!

An Amazing Video Course that you can use right now to set yourself free!

    Long after the Anunnaki left, this implant continued to be genetically passed down to the descendants of these humans.

    The Anunnaki left instructions to a few remaining humans on how to use the implant for the purpose of manipulation!

    Sadly, these humans had been instrumental in betraying their own kind in order to gain status and favor with the Anunnaki!

    This implant may have died out on its on if these Betrayers had not began to use the "influence of the implant energy" to manipulate themselves into greater power.

    Regrettably, these secrets were passed down to those in authority.
    This IMPLANT is the basis for the Cabal, the Elite, whatever name you want to give it...this implant is largely how we are controlled today!

    Perhaps the most diabolical use of this power is by the religious leaders of the world. Even the Holy Scriptures were twisted to make us SERVE GOD OUT OF FEAR! What kind of loving God threatens you with Annihilation if you don't worship him? (Yet, I can quote you chapter and verse that does exactly that!)

    When I was given this information it came in with a very clear vision.
    I could VERY clearly see exactly where the implant was located!

    It is on the back side of the Amygdala. There is a web like netting covering about 1/4 of this area. The Amygdala are located on both sides of the head, just abouve and slightly forward of the ears.
    The webbing must be removed in order to get to the energetic implant.

     A group of Light Beings then appeared in my vision to give me instructions as to HOW to render this Great Act of Mercy!
    These Beings are:

    •  Jesus Christ ~ the Greatest Healer
    •  Anwar ~ Chief physician of Atlantis (in spirit form)
    • ​Bardon~ A Reformed Annunaki Scientist who DESIGNED the Implant in the first place
    •  Dianna ~ Goddess of the Moon and the  Hunt (This puzzled me, However, I see what I see and I know there is a reason for Her being present.)
    • ​Divine Mother ~ The Great Merciful One who is overseeing the FREEDOM that her children are crying out for!

    You don't have to worry that you must deal with Beings you do not know. 
    These Beings are simply holding space for the healing to occur!

    Mother says that each person who desires this freedom must call upon the Divine Being they trust most, do to the implant removal.

    I chose Jesus Christ and Divine Mother to remove my "Fear Of Punishment" Implant!
    When any process BEGINS with a Holy Spirit Flush, it is DOUBLY Effective! So, this is what I did and will also offer to you!

    Here is what I have noticed since I have removed my "Fear Of Punishment" Implant

    • A HUGE Restoration of my self confidence.
    • A person that had spoken disrespectfully to me apologized very humbly.
    • A person who had done me wrong, called to apologize and take full responsibility.
    • A desire I had longed for got filled out of the blue.
    • A person who had some of my possessions returned them without me asking.
    • Money started flowing in like crazy!
    • I started to realize my VALUE as a person and to HONOR what I desired!
    • In short, I felt the Energy of RESTORATION and FREEDOM flowing all through me!
    • No more Fear of Punishment!
    • I don't understand THIS ONE...but People have been falling in LOVE with me!
    • And So Much More...

    Why are ALL these GOOD things happening NOW? 
    Because FEAR REPELS all the GOOD that is trying to Get to you!
    Release the Fear Of Punishment Implant and BE FREE to Receive!

    An Amazing Video Course that you can use right now to set yourself free!

    What FEARS are YOU Ready to Release? It's not likely anyone will actually BEAT you...However, our fear of punishment comes in various forms.

    • ​Fear of being JUDGED
    • Fear of Being Seen
    • ​Fear of getting into TROUBLE
    • ​Fear of not being ACCEPTED
    • ​Fear of Using Our Spiritual GIFTS
    •     ​Fear of Disappointing OTHERS
    • Fear of religious PERSECUTION
    • ​Fear that others will LAUGH at us... AND MANY MORE!

    Where do you need freedom?
    What fear is holding YOU back?

    What could you do if your weren't so afraid of what people will think of you?

    Once you release this implant, you will be amazed at what you can do!
    Freedom and restoration for all!

    • LIVE TEACHING: 4 HOURS of  clearing the way for the Divine to remove your Fear Of Punishment Implant!  Holy Spirit flushing of your entire energy system! Attend LIVE class or get the healing by video replay.  Or both! ($1997 Value)
    • ​WRITTEN TRANSCRIPT: Use this as your personal cheatsheet to do this for yourself or others. You will have the mercy process at your fingertips! When you go back over the notes, it will give you another blast of FREEDOM! ($197 Value)
    • ​BONUS AUDIO PROGRAM: Where is Your WOW? Now that you are FREE of the Implant, you can finally release your Inner Wow! This program will help you find it and be PROUD to shine! ($197 Value)
    • ​HELP AND SUPPORT: If you have questions after you attend you will be able to email me directly. This personalizes the teaching to YOUR situation! (Priceless!)
    • LIFETIME ACCESS: This method creates powerful results in your life. For that reason you are going to want to listen again and again. But you won't have to pay again! With me you pay once and access it forever! (Priceless!)
    TOTAL VALUE $2391!
    You pay only what you can! Put any amount that feels GOOD to you!

    Why Wait? I promise you this...if you are encountering all kinds of RESISTANCE ~ This is a SURE Sign you need this!

    Q. Do I have to DO anything to have this DIABOLICAL Implant removed?

    A. Yes, you must register and then SHOW UP! Me and the Beings of Light do all the work!

    Q. What if I cannot make the live class?

    A. You will get ALL the benefits from the Video replay and you will have that for life!

    Q. Is there any danger?

    A. Yes, there sure is...if you do NOTHING you risk being under even greater control from the Cabal!

    With the PAY WHAT YOU CAN fee structure...EVERYONE who desires this healing can HAVE IT!

    PS: Notice the Bonus Audio...WHERE IS YOUR WOW! 
    Now that your Implant is gone, you will WANT to discover What is so SPECIAL about you! 
    And, you WON'T be afraid to SHINE!

    An Amazing Video Course that you can use right now to set yourself free!

    I am qualified to help you… I have been through the fire for you!

    Because I have been following spirits guidance on resurrecting my pineal, I can see better on all levels.

    Spirit has already given me a list of hidden things you need to clear.

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